As part of BEd curriculum we teacher trainees of Rv training college were sent to different schools for school internship. The second phase of my school internship was in RVVHSS Valakom. As per the instructions of our principal we went to school on 02/06/23 for asking permission to practice teaching in schools. The teachers distributed portions to be taught during the practice. We prepared lesson plans and activity materials in the successive days and was verified by our optional teacher Manju ma'am. We tried to prepare the maximum possible number of lesson plans during these days.
The first day of our teaching practice was on 07/06/23 Wednesday. We reached the school on time and signed the attendance register.we were allocated a room in the ground floor. I got substitution in the 8 th class and as per timetable I taught the 9 A students the chapter Structure of atom.
The second day (8/6/23) was another exciting day. I and my Colleague Anjana consulted our concerned teacher Jayaprakash sir and submitted our records for verification. Also we consulted Aruna ma'am for clearing our doubts. I started the chapter ' Units and measurements' in the 8 th A. The students are active while participating in experiments. On 9/6/23 I got substitution in 9 A in thei physical education period. I engaged them through a learning activity. On all days during free hours i have prepared lesson plans and activity aids for the upcoming lesons. And also tried to check whether there is any vacant classes.
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