On 12 th January 2023, we decided to conduct a conscientization programme on the topic 'AN AWARENESS PROGRAMME ON POLLUTION '. First we planned different activities that can be included in the conscientization programme. Then we assigned different duties among the group members. At first we took the permission of the school head mistress Sheeba teacher. As per the permission from head mistress we choose VIII Afor conducting the programme. The program was conducted between 3.30 pm to 4.00 pm.
Before starting the session we arranged the classroom and made necessary requirements. After making necessary setups, we called the students to the classroom.
The programme was started with a prayer song by VIII A students. Then Sajana welcomed the students for the conscientization program and through a video she introduced the topic to the students. She gave a brief description about different types of pollution. She tried to address each topic within the short span of time.
The caues of pollution and its harmful effects were discussed by Sooryagayathry T.R. Inorder to make the session attractive ,I have presented college including pictures. While discussing the harmful effects I tried to focus on both harmful effects to human beings as well as to environment. Health issues were discussed separately.
Next, Anjana .L.R concluded the session by discussing the preventive measures. She started the session by discussing the measures that can be done in school.Waste management in school is also addressed while discussing. Through her talk she created an awareness that our mother earth and her protection is our responsibility.
An open discussion was given to the students at the end of the programme. Most of them participated in the session. While participating they tried to share their views also.After the open discussion I thanked the students for their participation and cooperation throughout the programme. 
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