The week (3/7/2023-7/7/2023) was peaceful. But it was heavy rain in the entire week. So most of the students were absent to school. Due to heavy rain 6/7/2023 was holiday.
By this week in 9 th the chapter 'Structure of atom' was completed and extra questions were discussed. Utilised the substitution periods for practicing more questions of electronic configuration .
On 5/7/23 I conducted diagnostic test in 8 A based on the lessons of 'Units and measurements'. Based on the test scores remedial teaching is given to the entire class on 7/7/23 . The difficult content were discussed with new learning strategies.
The week 6(10/7/23-14/7/23 )was tight scheduled. There is a unit test in the upcoming week so the teachers and students are busy to complete their works on time.
I conducted test paper in 9 th A by following the instructions of Aruna ma'am on 10/7/23.Also the remedial group teaching as part of the diagnostic test was given. In the following days small group teaching and individual teaching are also given. In this week the record were verified by our concerned teachers Aruna ma'am and Jayaprakash sir.
On all days i reached school on time and during the free hours I have corrected the answesheets and also corrected the notebooks of students of 8 A and 9 A. I have utilised the substitution periods on 8 th to teach them division which is necessary for learning speed and velocity
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