On all days i reached school on time . On Monday and Thursday there was morning assembly conducted by 9B and 9C respectively.
On 31/7/23 the fourth module of my project work were transacted in 9 A. A feedback session was conducted at the end . The achievement test was conducted in 8 th A on the same day based on the previously prepared question.
On 1/8/23 Manju ma'am visited our school for second phase of observation. I taught the students of 8 A during the observation class.
On 1/8/23 I and my colleague Anjana conducted an awareness class regarding child abuse on 9D as per permission granted from the concerned teachers and head master. By the class we focused to give them stay way and to take correct measure if they come across such situations in their life
On 2/8/23 the corrected answersheets of achievement test were distributed to students and discussed the answers in class.
The classes of physical education were taken on 3/8/23 and 4/8/23 respectively. First day the class of yoagasana (Balasana and vrikshasana) we're taken on 8A . Second day the class about Vitamin E were taken on 8C
4/8/23 was the last day of teaching practice. In the morning itself we consulted our concerned teachers Aruna ma'am and Jayaprakash sir and updated about the portins. They appreciated us for our effort and as a token of love and gratitude we gave them gifts. During the lunchbreak Shibu sir, head Master of the school verified and certified. The physical education lessonplans were also verified by Sam sir, physical education teacher of the school. During the evening break we distributed sweets to all teachers and staffs as a token of love and gratitude. Sweets were also distributed to students of our concerned classes. While talking the students of 8A got emotional . It was heartouching.
After 3.30 we approached headmaster of the school and shared our gratitude . We handed over a book for the school library. Shibu sir appreciated our effort during the days of teaching practice and gave wishes for our bright future.
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